Secret door seen while cleaning the house, such a thing was seen as soon as the cobwebs were removed, people said – don’t touch it

Secret door seen while cleaning the house, such a thing was seen as soon as the cobwebs were removed, people said – don’t touch it

If someone has been living in a house for 25 years, he would surely know every corner of it. Because it must be cleaned daily. But something happened with one person that left him shocked. One day while cleaning the house he saw a secret door. As he removed the cobwebs, he saw something that frightened him. He shared his story on the social media platform Reddit and asked people what should be done? Most of the people were also shocked to see this.

According to the Mirror report, this person was living in this house for 25 years. But never looked in this direction. One day while cleaning he saw a very old board adjacent to the wall. As soon as the person removed it, spider webs, wasp nests and some photo frames were seen inside. The person trembled after seeing this. Because there were no walls inside and it looked quite dark. When he removed the spider webs, a hidden room was visible in the attic.

UPDATE to the post about a hidden space in my attic – there are some frames inside (can’t reach them though)
byu/Figggo8 ininterestingasfuck

Found a hidden room in the attic
The person wrote on Reddit, after living in that house for 25 years, I found a hidden room in my attic. There are some photo frames inside, seeing which at first I got scared. Then after a lot of efforts I managed to reach the room, and was disappointed to see that the photo frames were empty. There were no pictures in them. They looked quite scary because of the nets.

leave it alone, don’t even touch it
The person asked people on social media what should be done? Some suggested turning it into a secret cave. Some said, you can use it as a storage room. Some wrote, empty photo frames are telling that this is a cursed place, you leave it alone. Don’t even touch it. One wrote, don’t take out whatever is there. If you have taken something out then take it and keep it. Otherwise disaster will occur. However, some people said, get the area cleaned as soon as possible.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news, trending news

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